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Confident Conversations

1 h 30 min
Honorarium Accepted
At Agreed Upon Venue

Service Description

Our Awareness Sessions are designed to engage participants directly and provide them with information to better understand the importance of reproductive health and the signs and symptoms of possible issues of the uterus. These speaking engagements will also equip participants to make more informed choices about their health and ultimately improve their quality of life.

Contact Details

+ +1-868-362-1807


Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.

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©2023 THE CONFIDENCE PROJECT TT: Fibroid Awareness T&T
Designed by Korice AQ Nancis,

Founder, Fibroid Awareness T&T




Please consult a certified physician or healthcare professional, yours preferably, for final professional advice regarding your health and medical condition(s).

Fibroid Awareness TT cannot treat or cure any cause, condition or disease and we do not provide official medical assistance or nutrition for the purpose of improving health or treating condition(s) or diseases. We are an advocacy and awareness foundation and we share our initiatives, general research and information and personal experiences, the latter of which VARIES. Additionally, the research and information covered are open for public discussion and in no way breach or break the boundaries of the law in Trinidad and Tobago. We, therefore, do not claim any formal medical background/training as an organisation and as such, WE ARE NOT LIABLE- whether expressly or in an implied manner- and DO NOT CLAIM any responsibility for any emotional or physical problems that may occur directly or indirectly from subscribing to our website and/associated pages and the contents therein.

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